So…. We decided to join the party (late I know) but we joined INSTAGRAM! We are taking babysteps and still learning the ropes but sadly we have no friends (unless you count my kids and that is because they had to like me). So search “whitetrashrepairs” or and FOLLOW us and please pimp us out. We will follow back all So…. We decided to join the party (late I know) but we joined INSTAGRAM! We are taking babysteps and still learning the ropes but sadly we have no friends (unless you count my kids and that is because they had to like me). So search “whitetrashrepairs” or and FOLLOW us and please pimp us out. We will follow back all
2 thoughts on “We’re On INSTAGRAM!”
These guys needed some foil! That iron is going to smell like sausage everytime they cook now!
Agree with PUnk, the iron is now ruined. They should have used foil.