I would like to say kudos on matching the color but this looks so crappy that I can't.
"My bathroom at work has no fan and with the crew here it always smells pretty bad. Hung a box fan up by a bungee cord and turned it on....
"Apparently he had a replacement light that just needed to be retrofitted. Duct tape to the rescue!"
This was posted on an "invention" facebook page. Invention my ass its a White Trash Repair and to top it off most of the fans obviously from 3rd world countries...
"Driving home from work I saw this person with, what I believe to be, either, a cardboard or wood license plate. On the bottom of it, it says, "LOST TAG""
"Visiting a friend. Their neighbors' dog broke one of the pickets on the fence between the backyards. They used a folding chair lounge to "repair" the hole."