T-SHIRT TUESDAY: Words escape us so help us come up with the best caption for this photo. Best caption posted to the website, our Facebook Fan Page, Twitter OR to...
The submitter wrote: "What does Bubba do when his car windows get smashed out? Well, he SHRINK-WRAPS his car, that's what!!!"
I don't really understand what purpose the can top has with this repair but I can only imagine its some sorta trailer park bling. I wonder if it its beer...
Obviously this zebra painted car is owned by the Trailer Park Diva, only she could pull this one off. After all if it had been Bubba he would have used...
And to think I had to pay all of that money for a tow package when I'll I needed to do was to move my license plate over. Those folks...
The submitter wrote: "The body shop said $5000, what a bunch of BULL! Bubba fixed it for a case of beer!"