This was sent into us as "Make Shift Rubber Hammer" OK how much do you have to drink to consider this a rubber hammer?
White Trash Repair
"Can you put yourself on white trash repairs? well I just did, this is how i fixed my moon roof after it got stomped in by some drunkin idiot outside...
WOW... OK after looking at this lets play a game - guess the games that this Bubba plays (feel free to make up your own game titles).....
OK I get it the mirror broke and you stuck a hand mirror in its place held on by zip ties. How hard is it to cut the tail end...
"If you hold it exactly right sometimes it even works! yeah we don't change the channel unless it is of great necessity"
Not a bad job Bubba, you even matched the paint. Now if the corners would have been rounded we might have given you an A!