The submitter wrote: "seen this in swanville maine nice duck tape back window"
White Trash Repair
The submitter wrote: "saw this in flat rock MI right on the main drag of town... along with 2 other broken tractors and 3 cars that we didn't get in...
The submitter wrote: "Check this beauty out, from DIY-ready Eugene Oregon, where 'almost is good enough'. Well, this person apparently needed a hose extension so - what the heck! -...
The submitter wrote: "We have honorary rednecks even up here in the northland. He used a C Clamp to hold the trim onto the vehicle. Guess Duct Tape wouldn't be...
The submitter wrote: "my boyfriend kept my dinner warm when he picked me up from work by setting my taco bell burrito on my dash and turning on the defrosters...
Yummm radiator dogs, nothing like cooking dinner and giving your house that smell of the corner store gas station's hotdog machine.