The submitter wrote: "deer hit truck, fender gone, if you watch enough NASCAR, this fix is always possible"
The submitter wrote: "This guy was too cheap to replace the rear window so he put plexiglas over it and then caulking around the edges. Altoona, PA"
The submitter wrote: "When you find yourself in the envious position of having too many vehicles on your place, and the local municipality tells you to get it cleaned up,...
The submitter wrote: "By using a couple of convenience store Dixie cup lids, and some classic clear tape, we have a tail light lens that will last at least a...
The submitter wrote: "Forget the drop spindles. Don't bother 'bagging' it. If you want that low, dropped look that is ever so popular now....just load it up with three tons...
The submitter wrote: "the vinyl floor of our trailer ripped an was gettin caught on our kitchen chair its been like that for 4-5 months cause of my lazy