The submitter wrote: "yes, it's a whitewall bolted to the trunk lid."
The submitter wrote: "I had to fix a few handles on the shopping carts at work and couldn't find the right size screws so I DUCKED IT and I used...
The submitter wrote: "Saw this car at walmart in Tennessee the whole top was white duct tape" I must say we have to give them credit they at least matched...
The submitter wrote: "No one would want to steal this car after Bubba installed the anti-theft device!"
The submitter wrote: "Nope its not undies its leopard duck tape and its the perfect fix for a blown out airbag! Hope you all like! "
The submitter wrote: "On the job with a guy who broke his belt and he used a box stapler to repair it. Instead of getting a new one he repairs...