The submitter wrote: "Well.... that is a Bravada, with the back cut off, the hole filled with a combination of rusty sheet metal and plywood, held together with "Great Stuff"...
The submitter wrote: "This guy is seen ALL over town, sporting his Dollar Store paint job. He is so tweaked out of his mind that he has painted EVERY piece...
The submitter wrote: "I didn't have a stand for the new monitor so i duct taped it to the old one."
The submitter wrote: "Just love the Slide lock securing the drivers door shut on this fine piece of southern machinery! Notice the ease of entry and zero security!"
The submitter wrote: "Boss said the plywood boxes would cost too much to ship. Just use cardboard boxes instead, he says. This is what we came up with three rolls...
The submitter wrote: "Doves living in a white trash cage"