The submitter wrote: "If you have a broken framing member in your attic, use the all-purpose structural repair kit — duct tape!"
The submitter wrote: "Smell a Rat? It’s a good idea to cover all unused knock-outs."
The submitter wrote: "Why mess with all that high-tech gadgetry in a humidifier? A Cool Whip container filled with water will do the same thing."
The submitter wrote: "FOILED! Cheaper than buying another section. This section of water heater flue pipe is made entirely out of aluminum foil."
The submitter wrote: "Here you have your basic downspout planter, with an attractive—and healthy—sword fern contrasting nicely with the red window trim. You, too, can have one of these beautiful...
The submitter wrote: "Keep the supply & return registers close together so the air can flow freely back to the furnace. The house seems a little chilly and the furnace...