BIRTHDAY CAPTION CONTEST: Words escape us so help us come up with the best caption for this photo. Best caption posted to the website, our Facebook Fan Page, Twitter OR...
White Trash Repair
It's Bubba's second Birthday and we are in the mood to hang out some T-shirts. Here is how to play this game.... On the website are hidden these two images. ...
Should we take bets on what the owner of this mess looks like? I'm guessing there is a mullet involved.
"Nothing says highfalutin white trash like a plastic dolphin taped to the hood of a Chevy Blazer. My only question: This also had a nice (matching) black tape repair on...
So what is one to do when you blow out the armpit of your White Trash Repair? Since he said he didn't have any duct tape we won't pick on...
It's moments like this that I feel like crying just knowing that White Trash Repairs has gone global. Obviously we have our work cut out for us as this doesn't...