The white van with the zebra and leopard print duct tape wins… hands down.
Bob the LumberJack
White vehicle!
Andrea Wikel Fiske
White one!
The red one looks like a window replacement and shouldnt even be here.
Once again we have a vehicle with a replaced window. The tape is used to hold the window in place as the silicone dries.
The second vehicle (red) is not trashy. They just had the glass replaced properly. That’s how the glass is held still for 24 hours while the glue sets. The person taking the picture is the redneck for not knowing this.
6 thoughts on “Who’s Trashier? (2 Pics)”
The white van with the zebra and leopard print duct tape wins… hands down.
White vehicle!
White one!
The red one looks like a window replacement and shouldnt even be here.
Once again we have a vehicle with a replaced window. The tape is used to hold the window in place as the silicone dries.
The second vehicle (red) is not trashy. They just had the glass replaced properly. That’s how the glass is held still for 24 hours while the glue sets. The person taking the picture is the redneck for not knowing this.