The submitter wrote: "Working on a car and smashed my head. And didn't have a bandage"
The submitter wrote: "seen this in swanville maine nice duck tape back window"
The submitter wrote: "saw this in flat rock MI right on the main drag of town... along with 2 other broken tractors and 3 cars that we didn't get in...
The submitter wrote: "Check this beauty out, from DIY-ready Eugene Oregon, where 'almost is good enough'. Well, this person apparently needed a hose extension so - what the heck! -...
The submitter wrote: "We have honorary rednecks even up here in the northland. He used a C Clamp to hold the trim onto the vehicle. Guess Duct Tape wouldn't be...
The submitter wrote: "my boyfriend kept my dinner warm when he picked me up from work by setting my taco bell burrito on my dash and turning on the defrosters...