Its a Match! If only they would have spayed in the dent with some spray foam then covered it with the matching duct tape no one would have ever known.
The submitter wrote: "I was driving through San Antonio, and spotted this engineering marvel. It appears to be a ford van...or, Truck.... Vuck. I caught up to the fellow to...
The submitter wrote: "I stopped at Dodge's Chicken and Gas in KY the other day and this sweet ride was sitting at the gas pump. As amazing as this truck...
The submitter wrote: "Found in the parking lot of the local Goodwill store in Salina, KS. Apparently the mirror got knocked off and they reattached it with some kind of...
The submitter wrote: "This belongs to a young man who has hit a parked car and then when he didn't strap the hood properly it flew up and hit his...
Who needs mossy oak when all you have to do is tape random crap to your truck and then just hit it with some different colors of spray paint.